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Material Safety Data Sheet


Una Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) è una scheda pensata per fornire sia a tecnici che ai lavoratori, informazioni sulle procedure di lavoro in sicurezza per le sostanze chimiche. Una MSDS contiene informazioni sui dati fisici (punto di fusione, di ebollizione etc.), sulle tossicità, sugli effetti per la salute, il pronto soccorso, la reattività, la modalità di stoccaggio, di smaltimento, i mezzi di protezione e le procedure per l'emergenza.

Dove è possibile trovare le MSDS?

Ci sono diversi posti in cui è possibile cercare:

1) Ogni posto di lavoro dovrebbe avere un repertorio di MSDS per le sostanze chimiche in uso.
2) La maggior parte delle Università e delle grandi aziende hanno raccolte di MSDS
3) Si possono richiedere al produttore.
4) Libri come Merck Index non contengono MSDS ma possono dare informazioni utili sulla tossicità, sulle proprietà fisiche ed incompatibilità chimiche.
5) Internet: elenchiamo di seguito 75 link dove possono essere trovate numerose MSDS.

Gli archivi di MSDS in Internet

Siti Principali

Questi siti raccolgono un gran numero di MSDS e sono un buon inizio per la ricerca di informazioni.

 Siti InternetN° di MSDSComments
1. Cornell University
Keyword searchable MSDS database. Some info a bit incomplete. Text file format. Also check out their Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory.
2. Vermont SIRI (main site) (alternate site)
Keyword searchable MSDS database. Lots of additional safety links and info.
3. ECDIN (Environmental Chemicals Data and Information Network)
Italy. Search MSDS database by ECDIN #, CAS #, name, formula etc.
4. CambridgeSoft web site
A growing substructure-searchable small-molecule database with 2D and 3D structures. Lots of other handy links.
5. ChemExper
Belgium. Search for chemical then click "MSDS". Lists suppliers as well. Should rise to 12,000 sheets soon.
6. Oxford University
Sections listed A-Z. HTML format. Optional search on full text of database (powerful -- not limited to keywords).
7. University of Akron
Keyword search for MSDS
8a. University of Utah gopher
New http version
Browsable sections A-Z. Not searchable, but can load the index page and search using your browser. HTML format.
8b. Enviro-net MSDS
Florida www mirror of the U of Utah gopher(#8a). Browsable sections A-Z. HTML format.
8c. Case Western Reserve University gopher
Ohio gopher mirror of the Utah (#8a) database.
8d Macquarie University, NSW
Australian gopher mirror of Utah (#8a) database.
9. Stanford University
Searchable info, but are not full MSDS. They also have a gopher site.

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Siti governativi e di enti pubblici

Questi siti contengono schede chiare anche per i non addetti ai lavori.

 Siti InternetN° di MSDSComments
1. North American Emergency Response Guidebook
Not MSDS, but guide for emergency services personnel at transportation incidents involving hazardous materials. Sheets cover specific classes of materials, not all 3,714 chemcials. A-Z list, PDF format.
2a. The National Toxicology Program
(National Institutes of Health)
Searchable health and safety database.
2b. The National Toxicology Program
(National Institutes of Health)
Searchable database w/ abstracts of carcinogenity and teratology animal studies. Less MSDS-like than 1a. Has 2D and 3D structures.
2c. The National Toxicology Program
(National Institutes of Health)
8th annual report on known and suspected carcinogens. Not MSDS, but great info. Also details how a chemical comes to be listed as a carcinogen.
3. CDC/NIOSH/WHO International Chemical Safety Cards
HTML format. US and International versions. Available in 8 different languages. Not strictly MSDS, but close. Good for "shop floor" level of understanding.
4. International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC
Not MSDS, but reports on cancer risks to humans by a variety of agents. Click on "Search IARC Agent Cross Index", then enter chemical name or CAS number. HTML format.
5. New Jersey Hazardous Chemical Fact Sheets
Plain English descriptions of common household, workplace and environmental chemicals (great for non-chemists)
6. Worksafe Australia
Lots of MSDS info intermingled with safety pamphlets, alerts etc.
7. Envirofacts Chemical Reference (U.S. EPA)
Links to EPA chemical fact sheets (not MSDS, but useful for non-chemists)
8. Health Canada
MSDS for biohazardous agents (i.e infectious microorganisms).
9. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Laboratory Chemical Safety Summaries. Very readable.
10. National Safety Council, EHC Division
"Chemical Backgrounders". Gives chemical descriptions, properties, health effects and economics, but is not an MSDS.
11. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Health effects of chemicals. Cool molecular models!
12. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Fact sheets in text format, a few in PDF.
13. Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center, Department of the U.S. Army
Military unique MSDS on toxic nerve gases (hopefully you won't need to use these!)

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Aziende produttrici di prodotti chimici

La ricerca diventa facile se si possiede una confezione

 Siti InternetN° di MSDSComments
1. Sigma, Aldrich
Fluka, Supelco
Select the catalog you want and search for the product. No on-line MSDS but Sigma product info sheets for some chemicals.
2. Acros Chemicals
Fisher Scientific
Curtin Matheson Scientific
MSDS + order information. Choose a catalog and then search for the product. Click on the MSDS icon for the selected chemical.
3. VWR Scientific Products
Search their catalog for the product you want, then click on the MSDS icon for the chemical.
4. EM Science (U.S.)
BDH Inc. (Canada)
Search their catalog for the product you want, then click on the MSDS icon from the Info Options window. HTML format.
5. Rhône-Poulenc
Belgium. Each product MSDS is available in 9 different languages. Searchable by product name.
6. Roche Molecular Biochemicals
Search their catalog for a product/compound. Then click on "Associated Info" to get a link to the MSDS in PDF format.
7. J. T. Baker, Inc
Search catalog by product number, name, formula or CAS number. Select product then click on MSDS. HTML format.
8. Mallinckrodt Laboratory Chemicals
Search catalog by product number, name, formula or CAS number. Select product then click on MSDS. HTML format.
9. Eastman Kodak
Search by product name or catalog number. MSDS available in a variety of different country/language versions.
10. International Business Machines (IBM)
MSDS on their products. Search by name, product number or manufacturer's name.
11. Mobil Corporation
MSDS on their products. You must register, but it IS free...
12. Difco Laboratories
MSDS on their microbiology and culture media-related products. PDF format. Cookie-intensive site.
13. BOC Gases
English version
French version
MSDS on their gases and mixtures. PDF format. European format versions are also available.
14. Dojindo Laboratories, Japan
MSDS on their products (listed alphabetically). HTML format.
15. Messer-MG Industries
MSDS on their industrial gases and gas mixtures. HTML/text format.
16. Redox Chemicals Pty Ltd
Australia. MSDS on their products in one giant non-searchable pulldown menu.
17. Green Country Chemical Co.
MSDS on their petroleum industry products. Select product # from list or search on keyword. HTML format.
18. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
MSDS on their intermediate and specialties chemicals. HTML format.

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Pesticidi (erbicidi, insecticidi, fungicidi, nematocidi, rodenticidi etc.)
Inclusi i fertilizzanti.

Siti dedicati ai prodotti per l'agricoltura

 Siti InternetN° di MSDSComments
1 Automatic Rain Company
Pesticide and adjuvant MSDS. One giant long alphabetical list. Text file format.
2a. C & P Press
Pesticide and adjuvant MSDS, searchable by manufacturer and/or trade name only. Regular updates from participating manufacturers. PDF format.
2b. C & P Press
Similar to the Greenbook above, but with Turf & Ornamental chemicals. PDF format.
3. Crop Data Management Systems
MSDS and pesticide labels from over 70 manufacturers. Search by name to get MSDS in PDF format. Also includes links to manufacturers.
Pesticide Information Profiles. Lots of other useful toxicology information and manufacturer links.
5. The Scotts Company
Select a product category. In the resulting table click on "MSDS" for each product of interest. PDF format. Approx. 50 additional products will be listed soon.
6. Novartis Crop Protection, Inc.
MSDS and labels for agricultural chemicals. Select a product from a pulldown menu or list by category. PDF format.
7. DuPont Agricultural Products
MSDS, bulletins and labels for fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. Select a product from a pulldown menu or list by category. PDF format.
8. Rohm and Haas Company
Agricultural chemicals and
Turf and ornamental chemicals
Agricultural, turf and ornamental chemical MSDS. Find the chemical in the list and click on its product code to display the MSDS in HTML format.
9. Information Services for Agriculture
Pesticide and agricultural MSDS, searchable by manufacturer or product type. PDF format.
10. SureCo - AllPro Products
MSDS on their pesticides, fertilizers etc.. PDF format.
11. Bayer Corporation
Searchable MSDS and labels on their pesticides, fertilizers etc.. PDF format.
12. Bell Laboratories, Inc.
No, this is not AT&T! Bell manufactures rodenticides. MSDS in PDF format.
13. FMC Corporation
Choose product, then click on "MSDS" for info on their termiticides, insecticides, miticides, flea and ant control products.

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Miscellanea: Siti dedicati ai produttori di preparati chimici vari, come quelli farmacologici

 Siti InternetN° di MSDSComments
1. Interactive Learning Paradigms, Incorporated
Hey...that's us! Contains links to other sites that serve MSDS.
2. A.J. Buck and Son or
Barber & Lundberg
Veterinary Supplies
Select from alphabetical A-Z listing or manufacturer. HTML format. Contains pertinent pesticide info as well.
3. W. W. Grainger, Inc.
MSDS on their myriad industrial products. Must have the Grainger Item Number to use.
4. Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices at LSU
MSDS on chemicals used in silicon processing (microelectronics fabrication etc.). Browse A-Z list or search by name. HTML format.
5. Schuller Corporation
MSDS on their insulation and building products
6. SC Johnson Professional
Floor cleaners, waxes and related products. Alphabetical list of MSDS in HTML format.
7. PharmInfo Net
Database of drug information browsable by generic name or trade name. Includes a drug FAQ
8. ABC Compounding
Cleaners and related products. Select a product, then click on MSDS button to view sheet in PDF format.
9. Libert Natural Products
MSDS on botanical extracts. Click on Products, then Bulk Ingredients to display a product, then click on MSDS. HTML format.
10. Pyrotechnic Chemicals Data Sheets
A collection of MSDS and EPA Data Sheets for pyrotechnic chemicals
11. Falcon Safety Products, Inc.
MSDS for dusters, office care, image care, mareine, safety and photographic products. Must enter the Falcon model number; not searchable. HTML format.
12. ProSciTech (Australia)
Alphabetical list of MSDS pertaining to dyes (stains) and other microscopy related chemicals. HTML format.
13. 5 Star Autobody Products
MSDS on automotive repair products such as paints, primers, activators, solvents etc. HTML format.
14. Xerox Corporation
MSDS on their products, search only (no browsable list). Additional safety/product info is also available.
15. Hercules Plumbing Products
MSDS on their products. Search or scroll through list. HTML format.
16. Hewlett-Packard
MSDS for toners, inks and electronic components. PDF format. Also available by FAX.
17. Apple Computer, Inc.
MSDS for printer supplies, inks, toners and Powerbook batteries. PDF format.
18. General Paint
~ 50
MSDS on their paint products. A different one for each color! HTML format.
19. Hillyard Aerosol Products
MSDS on their cleaning and stripping products. Sheets are GIF scans.
20. Digital Equipment Corporation
MSDS on their printer ribbons. PDF format.
21. Nuclean Products
MSDS on their carpet and upholstery care products. Text file format.
22. Kidde Fire Extinguishers
MSDS for fire extinguishing media. PDF format.
23. Hooper Welding Supply
MSDS for welding gases. HTML tables format.
24. Bara Environmental Solutions, Inc.
Example searchable database; search by name. 300,000 MSDS for sale.
25. Genium Publishing
MSDS for sale only. Does have a short MSDS on-line quiz

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